A Distillation Column Receives a Feed That is 42 Mole Npentane and 58 Mole Nhexane

CONFIDENTIAL 212211/BKF2343 QUESTION 2 [30 MARKS] A liquid mixture containing n-pentane and n-hexane is separated in a distillation column (Figure 1). The feed to the column at 2000 kmol/h contains 45 mole% n-pentane and the balance is n-hexane. Vapor stream from the top of the column contains 98 mole % n-pentane and the balance is n-hexane enters a

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CONFIDENTIAL 212211/BKF2343 QUESTION 2 [30 MARKS] A liquid mixture containing n-pentane and n-hexane is separated in a distillation column (Figure 1). The feed to the column at 2000 kmol/h contains 45 mole% n-pentane and the balance is n-hexane. Vapor stream from the top of the column contains 98 mole % n-pentane and the balance is n-hexane enters a custom answer

CONFIDENTIAL 212211/BKF2343 QUESTION 2 [30 MARKS] A liquid mixture containing n-pentane and n-hexane is separated in a distillation column (Figure 1). The feed to the column at 2000 kmol/h contains 45 mole% n-pentane and the balance is n-hexane. Vapor stream from the top of the column contains 98 mole % n-pentane and the balance is n-hexane enters a condenser in which all the vapor is condensed. Having the same composition as the vapor stream, half of the condensate from the condenser is returned to the column as a reflux (liquid) while the other half is withdrawn as a distillate (liquid). The distillate (liquid) recovers 95% of the n-pentane fed to the column. Meanwhile, the liquid stream leaving the bottom of the column containing 15 mole% n-pentane and the balance n- hexane at 30°C and 3 atm flows into a reboiler. From the reboiler, part of the liquid mixture is vaporized and recycled back to the column as boilup. The boilup vapor consists of 10 mole% n-pentane and the balance is n-hexane. A bottom liquid product containing 21 mole% n- pentane with the remainder being n-hexane is withdrawn from the reboiler. Both boilup vapor and bottom liquid product leave the reboiler at 67°C and 1 atm.
(a) Feed to column Vapor from top of column Liquid from bottom of column CONDENSER Reflux (liquid) DISTILLATION COLUMN Boilup (vapor) Heating fluid Figure 1 Cooling fluid Distillate (liquid) REBOILER Bottoms product (liquid) Draw and completely label the process flow chart. [3 marks] [CO4, PO2, C4]
(b) (c) Determine the molar flow rates of distillate, bottom product, liquid from bottom of the column and boilup vapor. [4 Marks] [CO4, PO2, C4] Using the reboiler's inlet as the reference, determine the reboiler heat duty, Q. (kW). [23 Marks] [CO4, PO2, C4]

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Get the best, custom, CONFIDENTIAL 212211/BKF2343 QUESTION 2 [30 MARKS] A liquid mixture containing n-pentane and n-hexane is separated in a distillation column (Figure 1). The feed to the column at 2000 kmol/h contains 45 mole% n-pentane and the balance is n-hexane. Vapor stream from the top of the column contains 98 mole % n-pentane and the balance is n-hexane enters a answer from an OCH Expert.

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Source: https://onlineclasshandlers.com/engineering/confidential-212211-bkf2343-question-2-30-marks-a-liquid-mixture-containing-n-pentane-and-n-hexane-is-separated-in-a-distillation-column-figure-1-the-feed-to-the-column-at-2000-kmol-h-contains-45/

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